Square Jar With Lid
$9.95 $6.95
Standard art shown.
Can be customized with your own text.
Font will be same as name on “Be My Valentine” jar.
Type text below, engraving surface 3 x 1.75 inches.
Category: Seasonal
$9.95 $6.95
Standard art shown.
Can be customized with your own text.
Font will be same as name on “Be My Valentine” jar.
Type text below, engraving surface 3 x 1.75 inches.
Of the Sierra Foothills
2 Thanks again Jim for the beautiful engraving you did on the bride and groom toasting goblets for the kid’s wedding. Your attention to detail and great advice resulted in such a lovely finish! The camping clock you created was awesome as well, and hangs in their living room for all to see! Barb J.